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January 28, 2023

Comment: Vote yes for kids but also to thank the parents


When I think of all the reasons to vote yes for the Marysville schools levy, there is one that feels like the most significant reason.

Vote yes for parents.

For the parents who helped raise us; those working as teachers, para-professionals, bus drivers, maintenance and food service workers and nurses. For the parents who help in classrooms, as chaperones and drivers, and those working to make ends meet and help their children thrive. The ones who work full-time every day and come home to serve on PTSAs, booster clubs, and Scouts; those who make it to educational nights and award ceremonies.

Vote yes for the parents who welcome us into their homes and lives, just as they did for every one of their children’s friends and classmates.

January 13, 2023

Marysville to run ‘most critical levy’ in its history, schools chief says

MARYSVILLE — Marysville School District Superintendent Zach Robbins has marked his calendar for Feb. 14.

That’s when voters will decide the fate of what he calls the “most critical levy” in the district’s history.

Voters said no twice in 2022, and the budget suffered. If they say no next month, deeper cuts loom.

“While we like to remain positive, we also face the reality that it would require us to make more impossible choices that no school district should have to make, that no city should have to make, when it thinks about how best to educate children,” Robbins said. “Because after a while, you’re not cutting fat. You’re cutting bone.”

January 11, 2023

Failure for Marysville school levy would bring drastic cuts

I teach for the Marysville School District. I love my job, and truly care about the district, my school and my students. I want them all to be successful, which is why this upcoming school levy is so important!

Over the past few years, the levy hasn’t passed. It’s left me scratching my head, wondering why much of the community doesn’t seem to want to support their schools. After all, this is not a new tax. Typically, every four years, voters have to approve another levy for funding from the last levy to stay in place. That’s all this is; a replacement levy. The fact is, tax levy rate would decrease.

This levy doesn’t pay for extra bells and whistles. It pays for needed and necessary support and programs. If it fails, it means a 100 percent cut of athletics and outdated technology, which puts our kids at a huge disadvantage; less training; less support staff, meaning less support for students and teachers; and even larger class sizes, just to name a few.

January 27, 2023

Voting for Marysville school levy helps provide complete education


I am a parent of two wonderful little girls in the Marysville School District, a para-educator at our Early Learning Center, a graduate of Marysville schools, and a 36-year resident in this community. I support the Marysville School District 2023 Levy, and you should, too.

My children are enriched by their teachers and educational role models who give them every opportunity to grow and learn. Parents, teachers, bus drivers, food service workers, nurses, secretaries, specialist, and neighbors like you; we are a team working together to raise our community’s children and give them every opportunity to succeed.

Our children merit up-to-date curriculum, the chance to play on a school athletic team, or join extracurriculars that fuel their spirit and keep them motivated. They need the technology tools and supplies to be innovators and entrepreneurs and the safety and transportation access that lets them focus on their learning and personal growth.

No is not an answer this February. As a community, we need to do our part. Vote yes.

January 14, 2023

Forum: Making Marysville stronger takes investment in schools

Marysville has made incredible progress in all areas this last decade. Except for our schools. But something remarkable is starting to happen. Everyone is starting to see that families looking for their “forever” home look at affordability and school quality, equally. Families looking for “forever homes” have not been coming to Marysville for the last several years. This affects the city, our businesses, and even our police department. The “a-ha” moment is dawning: “Strong communities rely on strong schools!”

Best Schools Marysville is a new nonprofit group spearheading the effort to reclaim and restore our schools. Community support is growing. Especially notable is support from Tulalip Tribes, Rotary, Marysville-Tulalip Chamber of Commerce as well as our city leaders. This is unprecedented! But most importantly, our mainstream voters are finding their voices! And unlike the negative voices who only wish to destroy our schools, we are getting ready to build starting with a critical vote on our operations levy on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14.

December 26, 2022

Strong schools are the foundation of a strong Marysville

“Strong schools sustain a strong community,” says Friesen as he rallies support for the Feb. 14, levy. Friesen and other concerned citizens have joined together in a nonprofit called Best Schools Marysville. Their goal is to build a better Marysville and help pass the Educational Programs and Operations Levy on Feb. 14, 2023.

Cindy Gobel, committee chair of Best Schools Marysville, stresses the importance for a yes vote. “If the community doesn’t support the levy, eventually OSPI steps in and the School District could become insolvent. There is a lot at stake for our children and families that call Marysville home,” Gobel says.


No candidate authorized this campaign site.

Paid for by Best Schools Marysville

PO BOX 71, Marysville, WA 98270 |

Top five contributors: Citizens for Marysville, Marysville Cooperative Education Partnership,

Loren & Kristin Van Loo, Carolyn & Jess Clark, Don Whitfield.

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